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Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Timothy Bourke, Jun Inoue, Marc Pouzet [contact] .

The ML-Sundials bindings allow the use of the state-of-the-art Sundials numerical simulation library from OCaml programs (like, for instance, the Zélus runtime). The Sundials packages includes three main components: CVODE, IDA, and KINSOL.

This year we redesigned and reimplemented the interface to CVODE to fix a problem with memory leaks between OCaml and C heaps. We have submitted an APP request for this code. The CVODE component is an important part of our work on the Zélus programming language.

We also developed a new interface for the IDA component, which we have started to use in our experiments with DAEs (Modelica).

We plan to develop an interface for the remaining KINSOL component over the next three months and then to release the entire library under an open-source license.